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Green Infermodal Freight Transport - GIFT

Project Duration:

30 months (April 2012 - August 2014)

Project Partners:

TRAINOSE S.A. (Greece) , Regional Inter-University Consortium of Apulia Region  (Italy),  Democenter-Sipe S.c.r.l. (Italy), National Company - The Maritime Danube Ports Administration SA Galati (Romania), Institute of Traffic and Transport Ljubljana l.l.c. (Slovenia), Verona Innovation - Special Agency of the Chamber of Commerce of Verona (Italy), IFKA Public Foundation for the development of Industry (Hungary), EAMA - Executive Agency Maritime Administration (Bulgaria), Luka Koper, Port and Logistics System (Slovenia), CER Hungary Central European Railway Cargo (Hungary), Port of Baja (Hungary),Regional Chamber of Commerce and Industry Krusevac (Serbia), KIP - Klaster intermodalnog prijevoza (Intermodal Transport Cluster) (Croatia), Institute of Transport (Albania).


Ministry of Infrastructure, Transport and Networks (Greece)

1. Scope

The main aim of the GIFT project is to map, analyze, and evaluate the status of the transport sector in the GIFT transport network and propose new policies and strategies in infrastructure, processes, assets, ICT, legislation, norms and harmonization/ standardization issues, in order to promote innovative green intermodal freight transport corridors. GIFT project drills down in three Pan-European Transport Corridors, namely IV, V and VII that cover almost the entire SEE region. 
2. Approach
  • The methodological approach of the GIFT project can be summarized as followsIdentification of current status and inefficiencies in the GIFT network: a) Review of current status of the freight transport network, b) Review of current policies in traffic decongestion, and green transport, c) Benchmarking on current green KPIs, funding mechanisms, licensing and state support, as well as current intermodal transport processes and best practices, d) Identification of inefficiencies and users needs. 
  • Synthesis of proposals regarding new policies and strategies in intermodal freight transport: a) Formation of policies and financing tools for full integration and interoperability of individual modes of transport as well as between intermodal networks, b) Involvement of the private sector in the development of new infrastructures, c) Exploitation of the full potential of SSS & river transport,d) Use of ICT services for creating intelligent logistics hubs & consolidation strategies. 
  • Proposals for the formation of Green Intermodal Freigh Transport Cluster responsible for the requirements elicitation of the key main transport stakeholders, support a transnational and fully interoperative development of the 3 PECs andl promote green transport.  Other aspects that were investigated and proposed are incentives/ financial instruments for corridors upgrade and improvement.
  • Design & implementation of a Green Observatory web system for monitoring and assessing the CO2 footprint of the transport activity in the proposed green corridors.
  • Creation of a roadmap for intermodal transport sustainability and further development: a) Infrastructure (e.g. missing rail connections, investment in ports, missing road links), b) business infrastructure (warehouses, logistics centers), c) ICT investments, and d) business incentives.
3. Results
GIFT project contributed significantly in defining efficient green transport corridors through the SEE region. In first instance the knowledge about the current transport network and policies was improved. Policy makers, industry players and institutions, had the opportunity to exchange views and support the collaboration between key transport players A major output of the discussion platforms was the generation of proposals for further development of the 3 PECs that GIFT project investigated. Furthermore, GIFT project developed innovative tools to support Green intermodal transport, including: a) an innovative web tool (green observatory) that was used for monitoring the CO2 footprint of the 3 PECs, and b) benchmarking and assessment tools for the evaluation of selected corridors. Last but not least, various tools for the dissemination and communication activities of the project were developed.