Design, Operations, & Production Systems Lab (DeOPSys) |
2012 - 2017 Phd Thesis Title: Design of Efficient and Sustainable Supply Chain Networks |
2009 - 2014, Phd Thesis Title: Paratransit Services under Normal and Emergency Conditions using Public Transport Resources |
2002 - 2007, Phd Thesis Title: A Class of Single Vehicle Routing Problems with Predefined Customer Sequence and Depot Returns |
2006 - 2015, Phd Thesis Title: Solving the Dynamic Vehicle Routing Problem with Mixed Backhauls Through Re-Optimization |
2003 - 2010, Phd Thesis Title:Real-Time Vehicle Routing: The Cases of Vehicle Delay and Vehicle Breakdown |
2005 - 2019 Phd Thesis Title: Lean Manufacturing Concepts in Service Environments (Εφαρμογές Εννοιών Λιτής Παραγωγής σε Περιβάλλον Υπηρεσιών) |
2005 - 2011, Phd Thesis Title: The Multy - Period Vehicle Routing Problem and ITS Applications |