Design, Operations, & Production Systems Lab (DeOPSys)Department of Financial & Management EngineeringUniversity of the Aegean
Athanasopoulos, T., Minis, I.
Annals of Operations Research, vol. 206, n. 1, 1-22, 2013.
Ninikas, G., Athanasopoulos, T., Zeimpekis, V., Minis, I.
International Journal of Logistics Management (IJLM), 2013
Dikas, G. and Minis, I.,
Transport Research - Part B, vol. 67, 18-34, 2014.
Ninikas, G. and Minis, I.
Networks, special issue on "Vehicle Routing", vol. 64, n. 33, 2014, 214-231.
Dikas, G., Minis, I. and Mamassis, K.
Central European Journal of Operations Research, 2015, pp 1-22.
Baglagis, D.G., Dikas, G. and Minis, I.
RAIRO- Operations Research, v. 50, n.3, 2016, pp 503-517.
Dikas, G. and Minis, I.
Computers and Operations Research, vol. 70, 2016, pp 75-86.
Arampantzi, C. and Minis, I.
Journal of Cleaner Production, 156, 2017, pp. 276– 92
Gliatis, V. and Minis, I.
Accepted for publication in Total Quality Management & Business Excellence, 2017
Ninikas, G., Minis, I.
Journal on Vehicle Routing Algorithms, vol. 1, pp. 47 – 68, 2018
Τhe Design, Operations, and Production Systems Lab is “knowledge Partner” of the Green Freight Europe Initiative.