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Innovative Methods for Business Development and Organization in the Northern Aegean Region

 Project Duration

22 months (June 2006 – March 2008)

Project Partners

  1. DeOPSys Lab, Financial & Management Engineering, Aegean University
  2. ENA Chios S.A. – Developmental Company
  3. Planning S.A. – Management Consultants,


This project is funded by the General Secretariat of Research and Technology (G.S.R.T), implemented under the North Aegean Regional Operational Programme (ROP).


The main scope of this project is the imprinting of existing situation in the Northern Aegean Region and the analysis of basic sectors amining at the emergence of investment opportunities that will contribute in the configuration of a favourable economic environment.

Following it will be implemented research of needs of SMEs in North Aegean in order to be found or prevented enterprising problems and resolve them. More concretely, they will be created and applied "clinicals" in 20-25 enterprises of region in the sectors of supply chain, alteration, tourism and energy and finally they will be valued the results of all "clinicals" individually and generally. DeOPSys Lab constitutes a basic tool of the particular program. His geographic place (region Chios) in combination with the experienced personnel and the technological requirements they constitute basic parameters for the success of program and the emergence of innovative products and processes. More concretely, the contribution of Laboratory lies in the followings:

  • Planning of methodology (in the particular work the methodology includes the essential steps that should be done. The main scope is the effective imprinting of existing situation of region as well as the effective localisation of enterprising needs),
  • In collaboration with the other project partners will be implemented experimental research and application of "clinicals",
  • Determination of methodology for the growth of a model in region of Northern Aegean with axes the growth of networking and the appointment of innovative practices.