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Transport: Competitiveness and Complemetarity of Transport Mode- Perspectives for Combined Transport

Tsamboulas, D.A., Minis, I., Karanasiou, M.

Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Combined Transport, University of the Aegean, (in CD ROM), Chios, 2007.

The purpose of this paper is to present a methodology which supports an owner/operator of a freight village to evaluate the feasibility of constructing a railway line which connects the site of the freight village with the main railway line. The methodology is based on certain assumptions which simplify the whole process. It is assumed that the costs associated with construction will be undertaken by the owner of Freight Village, who will also be the only infrastructure manager of this connection, following the relevant EU legislation. As far as the revenues of the Freight village company are concerned, they are generated from the charges paid by train companies that will use the railway infrastructure and the fact that the freight village could be more attractive to transport companies. The Net Present Value (NPV) is used as a criterion to evaluate the feasibility of the project.