Design, Operations, & Production Systems Lab (DeOPSys)Department of Financial & Management EngineeringUniversity of the Aegean
Stragkas, N., Zeimpekis, V. (2011)
In Bourlakis, M., Vlachos, I., Zeimpekis, V. (Eds.) Intelligent Agrifood Chains & Networks, Blackwell Publishing, Oxford, UK, ISBN: 978- 1-405-18299-7
Bourlakis M., Vlachos I., Zeimpekis V. (2011)
Zeimpekis, V., Bloemhof, J., Bourlakis, M. (2013)
In Vlachos, I. and Malindretos, G. (Eds) Markets, Business and Sustainability, Bentham Science Publishers (forthcoming)
Dikas, G. and Minis, I.,
Transport Research - Part B, vol. 67, 18-34, 2014.
Ninikas, G., Minis, I.
NETWORKS, accepted - to appear in 2014
Ninikas, G. and Minis, I.
Networks, special issue on "Vehicle Routing", vol. 64, n. 33, 2014, 214-231.
Dikas, G. and Minis, I.
Computers and Operations Research, vol. 70, 2016, pp 75-86.
Dikas, G., Minis, I. and Mamassis, K.
Central European Journal of Operations Research, 2015, pp 1-22.
Baglagis, D.G., Dikas, G. and Minis, I.
RAIRO- Operations Research, v. 50, n.3, 2016, pp 503-517.
Arampantzi, C. and Minis, I.
Journal of Cleaner Production, 156, 2017, pp. 276– 92
Τhe Design, Operations, and Production Systems Lab is “knowledge Partner” of the Green Freight Europe Initiative.