Design, Operations, & Production Systems Lab (DeOPSys)Department of Financial & Management EngineeringUniversity of the Aegean
2022 Diploma Thesis Title: Using Twitter to Identify Consumer Sentiment
About Products and Services Through AI
2022 Diploma Thesis Title:Warehousing and distribution network design from
a Third-Party Logistics (3PL) company perspective
2021 Diploma Thesis Title: Classification of Traffic Signs Based on Object Recognition
2021 Diploma Thesis Title: Assessing the Potential for Development and Competitiveness of Gateway Ports
2020 Diploma Thesis Title: Autonomous Vehicles: Basic Concepts in Motion Control and Visual Perception
2019 Diploma Thesis Title: Reverse logistics of solid waste and recyclable materials in urban areas
2018 Diploma Thesis Title: Designing the Freight Transport Network of Greece
2017 Diploma Thesis Title:Supply Planning in Natural Disasters:Modelling and Analysis
2017 Diploma Thesis Title:
Emergency Evacuation Planning in Natural Disasters: Models and Solution Approaches
2016 Diploma Thesis Title:
Προμήθειες και Κανάλια Διανομής: Δύο Σημαντικοί Τομείς στην Εκπαίδευση Κάθε Μηχανικού
Τhe Design, Operations, and Production Systems Lab is “knowledge Partner” of the Green Freight Europe Initiative.